Joane Charles-Marc
The first Miss Haiti pageant Occurred in 2006 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Miami. It combined Haitian artists, poets and a group of girls who did not know what the pageant would ask of them going forward. They entered the pageant because they would win a trip to France. It was just something to do. They sang and danced for the audience who was patiently waiting to see them all. It was tedious but they made it through. Competition was tough but the crown had to be won. Entered Joane Charles Marc who performed flawlessly and later won the crown.
Preparing for the pageant was fun. She enjoys highlighting the great things that the organization did for her and for all the other contestants as it was a great learning experience. “They did various workshops to teach the girls different skills. I remember practicing the cat walk with an instructor. Said Joanne.” All the girls had to take a Mini Bus around Little Haiti to visit different monuments and historic sites all while learning about the Haitian culture. It gave them a sense of how it felt to be A Haitian during this time. She went to a number of galas i.e Haitian American Nurse Association, Haitian Lawyers Association, Haitian Medical Association Abroad and SANT LA just to name a few. She did interviews at The Haitian Television Network, and The radio stations. Our Queen did the Thanksgiving Day parade in North Miami and the Caribbean Day parade Downtown representing Haiti. Wearing her sash and crown to every event, she was still in awe of the entire program.

Joane was determined to make this work. Unlike the girls her age she was burning the candle at both ends. At night she was woking at the most unlikely place as a card dealer and day time she was in school. She made enough to further her career. She had ideas about how to proceed and further the cause for Haitian women. She did a photoshoot at Miami’s Botanical Gardens and wore a gorgeous swimsuit designed like a flower. The photographer wanted to capture the Haitian queen near the palm trees from Haiti. She went to Miss Haiti international in France which she considered a great trip. The audience was clapping for her the entire time. It was an amazing year.
Director for Sunshine State immigration and manager of St Louis Law PA, Joane is Married to Vladimir St Louis. She had 3 children the mother of Lexie 8, Josiah 6, and Jason 4. Though she is sometimes exhausted and all the kids are nerve racking, she thanks God for them every day. Her evenings and weekends are spent alternating between track and soccer. But she would not have it any other way.
A resilient woman with gratitude and respect for others, she could not forget where she came from. She has her eyes on the Haitian community and those she continues to serve. Joane never ceases to amaze those who call her a friend. After all she was the first Miss Haiti International.