Solar Eclipse

The darkness that comes with it or the light on the other side. Some say those who pray will continue to pray and those who don’t will regret it. The total solar eclipse holds spiritual significance for many. According to Architectural Digest, it symbolizes a time of darkness and spiritual renewal, offering an opportunity for introspection and the shedding of old energies. On April 8, 2024 when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. That, is a solar Eclipse. Traveling through Mexico, across the United States from Texas to Maine, and out across Canada’s Atlantic coast. The Bible presents the darkening of the sun as a sign before a climactic moment in history, pointing to the arrival of God’s ultimate judgment and redemption.

Hindus generally regard a solar or lunar eclipse as a bad omen. Some observe fasts before and many do not eat during the period of the eclipse. Commoners say it is just the moon going around the Sun. Some Christians have believed that an eclipse portends the coming of the “end times” that will precede Christ’s return to Earth as prophesized. The moon will begin to appear to move in front of the sun as of 2:07pm. Totality begins at 3:20 p.m. and will last for 3 minutes and 38 seconds (plus or minus a few seconds depending where you’re standing.) By 4:33 p.m. the moon will have moved past the sun returning the light to normal.

But is it a scientific fact that as the Moon revolves around the Sun it comes to a point where they meet thus causing a solar Eclipse. The sun will be near its more dramatic solar maximum. This is the most active phase of a roughly 11-year solar cycle. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, will Launch Sounding Rockets into the Moon’s Shadow During the Eclipse to learn what it can. A number of scientific instruments will take measurements of the eclipse.

Everyone was set to watch it. So was I. Whether you found yourself in the hills of Texas or at home, two celestial bodies come together? That is rare. It won’t happen again in another twenty four years. Think about that, where will you be in 24 years. Where will this country be, the world even. On August 23, 2044 we would have had at least 3 presidents. In any given location on Earth, this happens only once every hundred years. In selected locations they can occur as little as a few years apart.

To look at the eclipse you had to have special glasses. It is not safe to look directly. Whether it’s with a telescope, camera or binoculars. You will damage your eyes. NASA does not approve any brand. Your glasses should comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standards. Inspect and supervise younger children then, lay back and watch. The eclipse is something we can enjoy together as humans. If you’re older like me you will appreciate that it was the last time you’ll possibly be alive to see an eclipse. Count your blessings!

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