
New Orleans

Why do we travel? Leaving our comfortable life for an adventure in a new country
seems insane? Do we want to know a new way of life? The dictionary describes travel as: taking a trip or journey – to go from one place to another by car, train, plane or ship. It’s easy to travel. Get a friend to commit and take it from there.

Where do we go from here? The sky is the limit. You can take a map and point to a
place anywhere. You can go there. Did you know New York is the gateway to the world. Meaning that from NY it’s easy to go to any other country. Just arrange a place to stay, some food in your stomach and how you’re gonna get around. If you want to start small. Start by seeing America. It’s not just the town where you live.

If the funds are there? One should go to a new country every year. You should save a little each month to go away at the end of the year. Because life is short. It gives you a sense of global responsibility. Before you know it you’re 62 and wondering where did those years go? Travel and see how other people live, what they eat or drink. Discover why they speak that particular way, how they speak. The history of the country its struggles its pride. Traveling doesn’t just broaden your knowledge it leaves you feeling rich and involved.

I haven’t been everywhere but here is a place I visited. I had a great time. Maybe you can go there too.

Where are we? New Orleans

How much it cost to go there? Save, not much depends what city you’re in

Where are we staying? At the Marriott

Why are we there? The music, Walking tours of the French Quarter’s food, fried oysters, Beignets

What is there to see or do? The Steamboats, Voodoo Plantations, the street kids and their drums, the bike taxis and the cemeteries.

Who do you go with? Go with anyone or no-one

Remember take a lot of pictures